Everything in Perspective

The table’s a mess, again. #1 left his hoodie on the chair, again. #2 has strewn her crayons and paper all over the coffee table, again. A stray shoe trips me as I walk in the door, again. My car is filled with childhood detritus, again. Abandoned toys litter the living room and collect in corners like giant, multicolored dust bunnies, again. I’m running to the store at the last minute to buy supplies for a school project, again. [Fill in your favorite lament here.]

Then, late at night, I start reading A Conversation with Rachel Adams about her new book, Raising Henry, which puts everything in perspective.

The hostile review posted recently, Disregarding Henry (Competitive Motherhood and Envy offers a critical analysis of the review), along with a more sympathetic review have prompted me to read Raising Henry.

Parenting is relentless and grueling when everything goes as planned. I admire parents who thrive in more taxing circumstances.